
Our offices: Let us show you them.

Our offices: Let us show you them.: Tea!

The offices at ThinkGeek HQ are different.

ThinkGeek HQ is utterly devoid of gray-walled cubicles and water coolers. Instead we have Wampa rugs and Daleks. All of these things seem normal to us now. Friday afternoon NERF battles? Normal. Lightsaber sparring? Normal. Dance parties? Totally normal.

...Wait a minute. No they're not!

We know what to do.

Let us take you on a tour. A walk through of the coolest bits of ThinkGeek HQ, office by office.

Introducing our first victim: Carrie, the Web Community Monkey.


Timmy looks distracted.

Carrie's office is arguably one of the coolest ones here, mostly because of how involved she is with all of you. She talks to folks all day on Twitter and Facebook. Sometimes folks send her the most amazing things based on conversations they've had with her.

Exhibit A:


Ignore the ghost shirt in the bottom right. It's not really there.

David Tennant, in needlepoint cross stitch!

The story: @hithahspam was tweeting about her awesome 10th Doctor project, and we (very jokingly) tweeted back that we'd love to have one, too--and she kindly took us up on it! When we tweeted to our followers that she was making us one, she got hammered with even more requests. Sorry, @hithahspam!

Exhibit B:


That's right, that's Timmy. On an Etch-a-Sketch.

The story: The very amazing Jonathan Liu made us this Timmy on an Etch-A-Sketch at Maker Faire, and it was kindly delivered to us by Matt Blum of GeekDad fame. The design stays in place because he gets rid of the excess sand before doing the drawing, so what you see here is his first pass at getting it right. Some photos of him at work.

That's not all. Do you guys remember the Mutant Jello? It's still in Carrie's office.

It's still scary

It's hanging by a net from the ceiling. This is likely because Carrie wants to make an example out of it. You know, just in case other mutant jello creatures decide to invade.

...oh dear.

Look what we found on her desk! A gift from R Stevens, the guy behind Diesel Sweeties. (He also has the best knee socks in internetville)

Yep, we have connections.

Carrie has a shelf laden with goodies hovering above her as she works. Pictured here: Timmy and K9.

(Please note the Geek a Week cards on the bottom left)

Hi Felicia!

Also on that shelf? The Guild, issue one. Autographed.

But wait, there's more!

So awesoem

A W00tstock poster, from the first W00tstock. Autographed, of course.


Arguably the most humble of the things in Carrie's office, but the most telling. Her tea, mug and her iPhone. She is rarely without these things, we were just lucky enough to snap a photo while she was at a meeting.

If you squint, you can just barely make out a pile of loot behind her phone. This pile is intended for you. It's a pile of give-aways. If you stay tuned, you'll get a chance to win some of that loot in one of our weekly Geek O'Clock contests! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Google+ for the details, which we will post soon.

That's it for now! Was there anything else you wanted to see from Carrie's office? Have any questions? Maybe you have suggestions for the next tour? Go ahead and comment below and we'll make it happen for you.


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